Fear No More

Published March 30, 2014 by chelsieedwards


Around this time a year ago I talked about how I was a coulrophobic: a person who has a fear of clowns. I hated how they looked, the painted face, the big red nose, the baggy clothes, the big shoes and the crazy hair. I really hated the idea of how “happy” they are because there is no person in this world who wants to make people laugh that much. I feared clowns despite the obvious fact that they are normal people dressed in a costume, with makeup on and a wig. 

That fear originated after I watched “It”, the movie, when I was six. I remember being at the neighbor boy’s house sitting in the floor watching the beginning of the movie. I barely got passed the first part before I ran home crying. For eleven years after that day, the sight of a clown left me crying and shaking in my boots. Also what heightened my fear was learned about the notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy dubbed the “Killer Clown”. This, in my mind, proved that clowns were bad people. 

Lucky for me I recently faced my fear at the state fair when I took a picture with one of the many clowns that were freely walking around. I always wanted to get over my fear of clowns but, what made me want to get over it was putting it on my bucketlist. I think by naming what you are going to do makes it more likely for yourself to do it. By making this a goal I wanted to prove to everyone and myself that it was possible. Don’t get me wrong though, I still find clowns to be creepy but now I can look at a picture of one without crying like a baby.

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