Watching The Secrets Unfold

Published February 16, 2014 by chelsieedwards

Illuminati. For those of you who know what this word means you probably just shuddered. How can you not when the Illuminati is, supposedly, a secret organization that is believed to want to create a new world order. Many people have different ideas on what the Illuminati consists of. In The Secret Empire Of The New World Order (Illuminati New World Order Documentary, tells how the top leaders in the government are the people trying to create a new world order.

Jason Bermas, the narrator of the documentary, exposes, in detail, how the government has a secret agenda. That secret agenda is to gain as much power as possible to control people. The government controls its people through drug trafficking, staged terror attacks, propaganda through the media, money laundering, debt, dealing arms and micro-chipping children at birth. Those who can in the way of the people in the government doing what they wanted would then be killed.

There are many officials in the government who are each apart of different secret organization. The government scares its people by making them think that there are dangers for them to fear such as terror attacks. However, there is evidence that certain events that happened show that the government created invisible terrors for the people to fear in order to go to war. There is evidence that drug trafficking in the United States is being run by officials in the government. For example, Bill Clinton was believed to have been one of those officials. George Bush, senior, is thought to be one of the main people who really tried for a new world order. He repeatedly said it himself, that he wanted to create a new world order. During the time when he would say that, the people who talk about how that idea scared them. People who tried to expose or were seen as a threat were killed in order to be stopped. John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King are believed to be two of many people who were killed by the CIA by the orders of people in the government. The government claims that after 9/11 that they wanted to keep us safe, so they took away certain civil liberties. Evidence shows that the government was behind the 9/11 disaster because they wanted to create a reason to control the people more.

This documentary was interesting. The details and evidence it showed really made me question the activities our government is doing. I question how the government could let such things, such as drug trafficking, happen but then, I came to the conclusion that they are only doing it to benefit themselves. The government wants more power. While this documentary allows me to open my eyes a little and question what I thought I knew the whole point of it is to persuade and inform me. It is said that we are the land of the free but could it be possible that we are not?

 The government is behind something. The people in the government keep specific details away from the people. They do this on purpose in order to benefit themselves. The government is trying to create a new world order. The people who notice such thing that the government does are trying to expose the truth because we, the people, need to know it. 

Watch the video here

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